Having "owned" this blog for only one day, I've already been addicted to blogging! I posted several short passages this morning. Not until I started blogging did I realize why Julie (in the movie Julie & Julia) stayed up late blogging even when she was too exhausted to keep her eyes open! Blogging is ADDICTIVE!
When getting together with several colleagues for lunch today, with excitement I told them about my blog. After they heard what I had said, one of them teased me by saying my husband would be relieved when he knew I was addicted to blogging. Though he was joking, I totally agreed with him. My husband had been bombarded with my emails for more than 10 years. He just couldn't respond to every single email I sent. He told me honestly that sometimes he didn't know what to say. He was troubled by the fact he couldn't reply to all my emails. Feeling bad for him, I tried to cut back on my emails. That was the most I could one because I just couldn't get rid of this habit--emailing my husband almost every day.
The first thing I do after getting up is to turn on my computer and send him my first email for the day. In this email I mainly share something spiritual--my reflections on some verses in the Bible or some summaries of the sermons I've listened to. Then sometime during the lunch break, I'll email him again. In my second email to him, I'll tell him about my students majoring in science. I'll tell him what activities I did in class and how they reacted to my teaching. Eating lunch and emailing at the same time has provided me with great pleasure.
If I'm still energetic by the time I finish my teaching in the afternoon, I'll send my last email to tell him all the details about my afternoon class.
I'm glad I have this unusual habit. I have enjoyed emailing my husband since 2000. Now I'm even happier because of this blog of mine. I love emailing and blogging!