
Family Day

As a busy career woman, I've tried to find a balance between work and family time. My husband is a person who highly values free time. He thinks we should do something entertaining in our free time, but the problem is that I don't have too much free time because I'm busy Monday through Friday. The only free time I have is Saturday and Sunday, so we both agree to have Saturday as our Family Day--the day for both of us only. Normally, on this day we go to the movies followed by a meal. Or we eat out first and then go to the movies. If there's no good movie, we'll just have an afternoon tea together. It all depends on how we feel or what movies are available. I enjoy doing all the activities mentioned above because doing those things can help me get away from my job. I enjoy my work so much that I even regard doing my job duties as my entertainment. For example, I love to work on handouts. Whenever I have some good ideas, I would go to my laptop immediately to type them up. Then I end up sitting in front of my desk in my free time. However, on Family Day I restrain myself from turning on my computer. Without computer, my life seems simpler because the day without computer seems longer. I can do many things such as reading, chatting, and listening to music with my husband. Thanks to this family day, I can have a quality life because I can work hard for 5 days and play hard for one day. How about Sunday? It's Sabbath! The time for me to worship God and rest!

